Petman's New Look

No, it's not human. It's a robot.

Boston Dynamic's anthropomorphic bipedal robot is sporting a new look, an end of the world chemical warfare look... "Petman", as they call it, is probably one of the most technologically advanced bipedal robots in existence. I say probably because after a long experience with researching new technology I found that there is always way more stuff out there then you could have possibly imagined...Below you can watch the robot in full action:

I do have question as to why Petman is wearing a breathing mask...I guess the only purpose it serves right now is to give it an eerily human resemblance. 

Petman is watching you...

Also Bigdog, Petman's four legged companion, is sporting his own upgrades. He now has an arm that it uses to manipulate adjacent objects with a surprising amount of control and stability. Click below to watch:

...and I'm guessing you didn't expect it to do much. But yet they never fail to surprise us. All the great assortment of robots coming out of Boston Dynamics is bound to keep us interested...

LS3 -- a large transport robot.

RHex -- a six-legged robot with inherently high mobility.

Cheetah -- the fastest legged robot in the world with a top speed of 28.3 mph.

SandFlea -- a small four wheeled robot capable of jumping on top of small buildings.

RiSE -- a robot that just flat out climbs up the side of buildings.

But I bet there are even more interesting robots to come out of Boston Dynamics.