Jump From Space

Are you completely frustrated at life? Is it too difficult? Do you just hate everything like I do?
I mean God! what is it that people do to get a sense of meaning and enjoyment out of life?!?!!

well, how about jumping from space...

You see most people get a sense of fulfillment in their lives from painting or pottery...

...but for Felix Baumgartner pointless hours of trying to fine-tune his nonexistent artistic skills didn't quite do the trick. So on Sunday, Felix hopped onto a balloon flew up into space and then jumped off.

Imagine the curvature of the earth from that height as you reach the thin line of air between earth and the vacuum of space...well actually you don't have to imagine it, I can just show you a picture.

It's an awe inspiring sight. Almost as impressive as the three breasted woman from Total Recall at comic con this year...

Give me a break, I'm a guy.

Ok, but in all seriousness, isn't this impressive jump from the edge of space more thrilling the the recent stock market drops? more useful than the recent presidential debates? more inspiring than anything you've done in the last 20 years? 
Of course it is! 
To think that this man just risked his life to push technology and advances in science to the limit and inspire years of future development. The human race has pitted itself against it's most formidable foe yet...the dark vacuum of space. Imagine the wonders it holds, the worlds yet to be explored, and the answers to our existence it might contain. 
NASA might be dead and dying, but man's urge to explore that empty expanse above will never be quenched.